Monday, April 13, 2015

Depression Runs Deep (Dealing with Family Matters)

Recently, my family experienced a very tragic event when one of our relatives killed his wife, and then committed suicide.   It was one of the most horrible, shocking days of my life, and for all who knew them and loved them.   They were a loving couple, with well-adjusted, accomplished children.  They were well educated, and had great positions of authority.   They were like by many, and individually made notable contributions to their community.   They were young with a very bright future ahead of them.   So, what went wrong?   No one knows for sure, but there was something that brought about a period of great depression, anger, division, and ultimately death for the both of them.  We are all left asking the questions, why didn’t we see this coming?   Why did this happen to two very good people?  Why didn't they come to us?   What are we to do now that this has happened?   All of these are very tough questions with many possible answers that each individual left behind must grapple with.   I don’t have the ultimate answer to any of these questions, but I do know which one of the questions that I intend to address; 'What am I to do now that this has happened?'  
I am going to study to strengthen my understanding of depression and the signs to look out for.  I am going to dig deeper to know what in my community currently exist, that can help persons going through deep depression and suicidal thoughts, to get help before it is too late.   I am going to make myself more aware of how I open myself to others in need of help, to ensure that I am presented as a helping presence and not a judgmental force.  I am also going to let go and let God have the last say, with the full understanding that no matter how much you try, you will never be able to save everyone.  
The best we can do to help persons in deep depression is be aware that they are crying out for help.  Sometimes their cry for help is masked by their silence.   What they say or don’t say, can speak volumes, especially if we can hear them.  By the way, sometimes you need to listen to your own voice to make sure that it is not you that needs to be heard.